PTA (Friends of MJS)
Friends of Maidenbower Junior School
What do the Friends do
We organise and run the fundraising events.
Money from these events then buys extra equipment and experiences which enhance the children’s school life.
Why get involved
Getting involved gives you the chance to get to know other parents, contribute to improving the school and find out about what’s going on more quickly than you otherwise would.
Friends Committee for 2024-2025
Chair – Maria Smith
Treasurer – Nick Harnett
Secretary – Kat Hancock
Contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Events Portal: please register on this platform, our event tickets will be on sale here
Facebook: don’t forget to LIKE or page!
What Events are Coming Up?
What Have We Raised so far this year?
Joint School Fireworks raised £16,000 which is £5,333 per school!
Pizza Days raised £1,000!
Break the Rules Day raised £438!
Christmas Raffle, raised £1740.64, which is £580.21 per school!
What Have We Bought?
So far we have brought:
- Accelerated Reader programme £11,350.60
- Christmas Crackers £175.00
- Library upkeep £500.00 to £1500 per annum
And in previous years we have brought:
Accelerated Reader programme – £11k
Christmas Crackers £500
New Football Kits – £560
Christmas Dinner Crackers – £180
New school urns – £240
Accelerated Reader Programme – £6000
Library Annual Upkeep Contribution – £500
Y6 Leavers Party Contribution – £500
Ursula Woods Memorial Plaque – £30
New Basketball Hoops and Fire Doors Maintenance – £2130
The Amphitheater in the centre of the Playgrounds, the Window Film pictures that are displayed on the South side of all windows in Lower and Upper school, and each year group have had a contribution towards the new forest school site.
In 2014 the PTA contributed £5000 towards the new lower and upper school activity trails.
Other purchases from previous years:
- A new bike shed
- Clocks for the cloakrooms, asked for by The School Council.
- New Wet Play boxes with new games chosen by the children – paid for with the money raised at the Mothers’ Day Secrets Room.
- Other purchases; high visibility jackets and baseball caps for trips, and new playground equipment including Space Hoppers.
How Can I Help?
Help at Events
We are always looking for people willing to help out here and there. Email us at [email protected] giving us your contact details; email and telephone numbers; stating you are happy to help at events. We will add your details to our volunteer list and contact you before the next event. Thank You
Join the Committee
If you would like to help organise and run events, then come along to a meeting. We desperately need more people to do this. Details of the meetings are posted online and on Facebook. Or email the PTA asking for the day and time of the next meeting. Thank You.
The Giving Machine
To benefit the school with no effort at all, when you shop online use ,nearly all major online retailers from Tesco, Next, Ebay, Sky and hundreds and hundreds more, it takes seconds to sign up and be redirected to the retailers main website via Giving machine, and earning commission for your childrens school.