Welcome to the Year 4 children’s homepage.


In Year 4 so far we have been learning about Space. We have learned about the Sun, Earth and the moon. Everyone in Year 4 have enjoyed their first 4 weeks of Year 4.  


In English we are writing non chronological reports to put in our class book. This is to do with space our topic.


This week in maths we have been doing division. Some people have been doing short division, it is a easier and a quicker way of doing division.  Some of us were really good at short division, so we got to do another way of division called long division. It takes a bit longer to do long division!


We have been learning about the planets. These are the planets, Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune. We learned about how far they are from each other and how big or small they are.

Congratulations for all the children in Year 4 who have got star of the week and worker of the week so far in our year group in our school!


In Computing we have been been using the Isle of Tune and Sumdog


In outdoor games, we are doing basketball. We are learning simple skills and strategies such as passing and throwing in the hoop.


At music we play the ukulele for the school play